Pianista, fisarmonicista, arrangiatore, compositore, didatta. Laureato in Pianoforte Jazz con il massimo dei voti al Biennio Superiore di Musica Jazz del conservatorio “A. Buzzolla” di Adria. L’ecclettismo che si manifesta nell’ ambiguità strumentale lo porta a far parte di formazioni musicali di vario genere, dal piano solo alla big band fino all’ orchestra sinfonica. Nella sua ampia discografica (che spazia dall’organico tradizionale jazzistico fino alle formazioni più contemporanee) prodotta da famose etichette jazz quali “Dodicilune” e “Alfamusic” partecipa sia come pianista che fisarmonicista ma anche come arrangiatore e compositore.
Ha suonato in diverse rassegne, teatri e jazz club in tutta Italia tra cui: Torino Jazz Festival, Rovigo Jazz Festival, Trento in Jazz, Cesena Jazz Festival, Torrione Jazz Club (Ferrara), Zingarò Jazz Club (Faenza), Teatro Bonci (Cesena), Teatro Masini (Faenza), Teatro Diego Fabbri (Forlì).

Guide to the study of the piano in the modern Pop-Rock language
Milan 2020
This book is the result of years of experience as a self-taught musician, then student, live musician and teacher: a specific method for the accompaniment of a pop song. It gives the reader many theoretical means that are essential for understanding the grammar of music in terms of scales and chords construction. It also provides practical strategies (inspired by real examples, extrapolated from the analysis of songs that have marked the history of Pop-Rock music such as "Imagine" and "Happy Xmas" by John Lennon, but also "E poi" and "Gocce di memoria" by Giorgia and "Albachiara" by Vasco Rossi).
This method is meant for those who have no musical skill and enroll on a modern piano course, but also for pianists who want to study more in depht the Pop language or for those who want to start studying Jazz, for singers who want to learn to accompany themselves on the piano, for Conservatory students (Pop and Jazz courses) who have to the undertake the Complementary Piano exam. The text is enriched by a collection of technical studies, available for download, with subcription on the Volontè&Co V-channel website.